also we are going round my godparents in a bit for a tea party/bar b-q!! last time we went we had marshmallow and biscuit sandwiches..yummy!!
i am getting into the tea party/any sort of party theme at the moment as i have just found a Babycham glass that belonged to my nan, which my mum gave to me as i do love the stuff..."the happiest drink in the world" ...however i am resorting to drinking lemonade out of it has i have no Babycham's...hehe. i love this photo of my hand...but i have no idea why..it look so big!! but i still love it...weird....*giant hand!! aaaaah hehe*
after watching the jetson's movie the other day i went looking for my really old pin badges of the jetson's i got when i was very small. i remember going into this old comic book store with all these weird things everywhere, and i picked them out. i love them to bits..i put judy on my coat.
as i am off to my London Film and comic convention tomorrow, not sure if i will be back in time to post, but if not i will fill you in on monday. i can't wait!! :D

You always have such interesting and inspiring pics :)
Looks like you had a good time!
Thanks for the comment :)
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