monday, momday...giant jenga first, me, gdad, jo, steve, mary, milkbottle, and mum played. it went on for quite a while and we were all chatting...then steve knocked it down..and i was the last girl to play..so i WON! yay i got a t-shirt!!!
we then played French Boules- i was backstop with gdad. 20-25 odd people played..and i won!! i could not believe it!! i beat a different steve in the final. i asked for a neckrest but they didnt have any...so they said i could have another t-shirt if i wanted!! they are normally only allowed to give one of each prize out a day! i was over the moon!

Jewellery making was cancelled..so jane did table top boules instead. Steve got about 40 point...Roger got 30 odd points....but i won again!! with 50!!! i choose the travel wallet this time! i couldnt believe it, all week i had been rubbish at everything i had played..and i finally won one game, and then i won all the games of the day!!!

my sister was a happy bunny that night as they had her new favourite biscuits at dinner

i had to go up on stage to get my prizes that night. i wanted jo to be on stage, but jane did the prize presentation that night..it was really weird because they have to call the winner of each game up, but i ended up staying on the stage for all three times...i felt bad because i wanted other people to win the games too...but it was all luck.
that night the act was some amazing acrobats...we sat in the front row..scary stuff!! they were so good.

1 comment:
Hi from Paris stylish girl
I try to find time to alert stylish blogs and colleagues like yours that the Paris fashion week is over : alléluia ! and that i just posted a best of fashion week shoes that could inspire you.
Please don't collapse ! lol
i hope you'll like
i've been proposed to create a fashion magazine in Paris as i wrote it in my blog (lots of volunteers ! lol). Let's keep in touch !
I wish you a wonderful day
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