Thursday, 24 July 2008

..maybe a movie?

ah i am going to order the first Scott Pilgrim graphic novel tomorrow..i am in love! i have wanted to get this for such a long time, but now i have some money, i can! *me jumping up and down*
of course i also found out that they are gonna make a movie based on the books; Scott Pilgrim vs. the World staring Michael Cera as Scott and Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona V. Flowers. i am much looking forward to this..but its in gonna have to wait quite a long time.
plus also found out that there are rumours for a Arrested Development movie..hmmmm...random!! but it would be great to see some new stuff from them!! i love the show soo much. i did love how the series ended though..."i don't see it as a series..maybe a movie?"....or something along those lines!
...i am sleepy...need to get up early in the morning....


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE that show. If there was a movie...I don't know how they could make it work, but I would totally see it!

Ana said...

I like the two figurines you got below. :-)

Sam said...

that would be so awesome if they made an arrested development movie!